
From ClockworkWiki
Revision as of 20:05, 25 July 2021 by Alex (talk | contribs) (Add new roles and a section explaining the EB)
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This is an official wiki policy.
Its contents are considered binding for users of the ClockworkWiki.

This page outlines the staff governance structure for prompt and effective administration of this ClockworkWiki. It is loosely modeled after the staff structure of Bulbapedia's Editorial Board and associated administrative constructs. As this wiki is fairly new, much of the hierarchy is unimplemented and will remain so until there is enough activity to warrant it.

Staff structure

Position Description
Webmaster ξ Chief policymaker, wiki webmaster, website sysadmin, hosting provider liasion
Editor-in-Chief ζ Policymaker, webmaster liasion, media liasion, editorial board chief, staff elector
Bureaucrat β Policymaker, editorial board member, staff elector
Administrator α Website and wiki webmaster, server root and hosting provider liasion
Bot π Robot for automated wiki tasks

Editorial board

The ClockworkWiki intends to facilitate a fully-staffed editorial board, comprised of twelve (12) editorial board members and headed by an editor-in-chief, or EiC. For the sake of pragmatism, the only bureaucrats will be board members, so that one's status as a bureaucrat implies editorial board membership.

For the time being, the webmaster is the acting EiC, and will continue to remain so until the wiki has fully matured. Once the wiki has a sufficiently-populated staff body and a desirable successor, the webmaster will hand over the reigns to the new proper EiC.

Administrators, also known as sysops or janitors, possess more powerful editing abilities, such as the power to move and delete pages, suppress redirects, move and delete files, reupload new revisions of files, edit protected pages, protect pages, issue account blocks, execute rollbacks, and more. Their role on the wiki is not bureaucratic, as they have no influence or vote in decisions for staff promotions or demotions, wiki policy changes, or other site changes.